My name is Andrew Kupferman. I’m an aspiring animator from Queens, New York. I’ve also played drums for the majority of my life, and recently I have started home brewing hard cider. I obtained my undergraduate degree from Hofstra University with a major in Rhetorical Studies and Public Advocacy and a minor in Fine Art.
My preferred style of art is cartooning. Ever since I got my first drawing tablet in high school, I have been creating digital cartoons and animations. Some of my major inspirations are Adventure Time, Castle in the Sky, and Yellow Submarine.
My primary goal is to develop a capability to competently create animated music videos, as well as gather the skills needed to serve as an asset on a creative team aiming to create a cartoon to air on network television. I hope to achieve all this and more at SVA, as well as make lifelong connections that can allow myself and others to launch our careers.